Account statement of deceased father

The appellant sought information about the bank account of his late father, FDs, nominee, amount etc. The FAA directed the PIO to provide statement of account of certain bank accounts. Not having received any information in compliance of the FAA’s order, the Appellant approached the Commission with the Second Appeal. The PIO stated that he was not the then PIO and could not update regarding the compliance of FAA’s order. The CIC observed that the respondent has partly provided the information. The FAA had directed the PIO to provide the account statements, but the PIO has not complied with the directions of the FAA, so far. The CIC directed to provide the copies of account statement.


Non-compliance of the order of the FAA is grossly incorrect on the part of the PIO. In this case, the PIO has been lucky to escape penalty for which there appears no excuse.

Citation: Vishnudev Prasad Singh v. Union Bank of India, CIC/UBIND/A/2023/100809; Date of Decision: 30.04.2024

Dr Anuradha Verma ( is a RTI Consultant currently working with IIM Visakhapatnam. She has co-authored the books, RTI Right to Information - Law and Practice and PIO’s Guide to RTI. She offers consultancy on RTI matters and Third party audit. Her other articles can be read at the website of RTI Foundation of India at the link


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