Selling parts of the seized vehicles

The RTI applicant alleged that the registered scrap dealer in association with the ASI of the Transport Department, Delhi, instead of sending the vehicle to the registered scrapping yard, opens it at another location and sells its parts. He stated that this information can be verified through the CCTV footage of the registered pang yard. After the vehicle is picked up by the Transport Department's team, it is checked whether the vehicle has gone to the registered pang yard at the given address or been sent elsewhere. After a few days, the owner receives messages regarding the registration and related payment on the provided phone number. The applicant sought certain information relating to the same.  The CIC held that the instant RTI application has not been adequately answered and directed the PIO to revisit the contents of RTI application and provide revised information. The CIC issued an advisory under Section 25(5) of the RTI Act to the Transport Department, GNCTD, for (i) amending the concerned Rules to incorporate the provisions for inspection of seized end-of-life vehicles to its owner; and (ii) upfront disclosure of information regarding Rules, Bye laws, SoP, Guidelines, Office Orders governing RVSFs (Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities) under Section 4 of the RTI Act in public domain, to make it easy for a layperson particularly vehicle owners to get relevant information through website.


The Transport Department has ordered the registered dealer to retain the engine number and chassis number by cutting and preserving them. The guidelines for releasing end of life vehicle (ELV) seized as part of enforcement drive should be put in public domain. If section 4 of the RTI Act is implemented fully, it would relieve the Public Authority of the burden of RTI Applications.

Citation :V Singh v. Transport Department, Delhi, CIC/TDDEL/A/2023/649458; Date of Decision: 16.01.2025

Dr Anuradha Verma ( is a RTI Consultant currently working with IIM Vishakhapatnam. She has co-authored the books PIO’s Guide to RTI and Right to Information – Law and Practice. Her weekly article is being published since 2008 on this site. She offers consultancy on RTI matters and third party audit to individuals / organisations. Her other articles can be read at the website of RTI Foundation at the link


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