Why AGMUT & Northeast Civil Servants are known as ‘suitcase bureaucrats’?

Very few officers are willing to work in the Northeast states of India. Officers posted here often go to their allotted cadres with one suitcase and come to Delhi at the first opportunity. This is why, the AGMUT and Assam Meghalaya cadre bureaucrats are known as ‘suitcase bureaucrats’. This is precisely the reason why 11 officers from a small cadre like Assam-Meghalaya (AM) are posted in Delhi. AM cadre has a sanctioned pool of 600 All India Service (AIS) officers. Officers from the AGMUT cadre and from the North-East prefer to come on central deputation since in Delhi they have access to better schools and social lives for themselves and their families. It is a sad truth but even today, officers don’t opt for the AGMUT or North-Eastern cadres willingly. Officers’ willingness to come to the Centre as opposed to staying in their own cadres is an important consideration for central deputation. Officers from big states like Uttar Pradesh or from prosperous and developed states like Maharashtra are reluctant to come to Delhi. Their children can go to schools in Lucknow or Mumbai even if they are posted elsewhere in the state.



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